Suitable for positive tank isolation, MMC B-type vapor-control valves are positive shut-off units that support Trimode tank gauging functions (ullage, interface & temperature) as well as oxygen sensing. They are available in three models. The original B-type, Micro “B” and the MMC (Asia) F50 are all 2″ (50mm) full-bore valves. All valves are flanged for ease in installation and accurate positioning. Constructed of 316 stainless steel with a stainless steel cap, they have stainless steel ball valves with Teflon seals. In addition, 1/2 or 1/3 liter sampling is available in all 2″ sizes with the use of MMC sampling tapes. All gauging tapes fit directly into any type of MMC vapor-control valve.
Viton ® used for all other seals. A stainless steel cap is standard and a selection of other seal materials are optional. (Viton ® is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.)
MMC Type “B” Vapor Control Valve Dimensions
Note: H1 dimension fixed by gauging tape construction.